

贺锋,男,中共党员,湖南省长沙市出生,现任best365网页版登录官网物理教授,硕士生导师。2002年博士毕业于北京师范大学物理系理论物理专业。曾在日本东京大学、韩国首尔梨花女子大学、中国科学院理论物理研究所等单位工作或访问。从2004年起,为我校best365网页版登录官网教授。曾主持省部厅级课题5项,参与国家级课题3项。 2003年起任湖南省物理学会理事。现担任Foundations of Physics,Chinese Physics LettersSCI刊物特约审稿人。已培养5名硕士研究生。


(1)贺锋Sungwon Kim, New Brans-Dicke wormholes, Physical Review D, 65, 084022 , 2002  (SCI影响因子为4.558, 此文已经被人引用18次以上)
(2)贺锋,赵峥,Sungwon Kim, Statistical entropies of scalar and spinor fields in Vaidya-de Sitter space-time computed by the thin-layer method, Physical Review D, 64, 044025 , 2001 (SCI影响因子为4.558, 此文已经被人引用74次以上)
(3)魏益焕,张元仲,贺锋Static axisymmetric solutions with electric fields in low-energy string theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19, 6469-6476, 2002
(4)贺锋,赵凡,利用广义不确定关系计算Gibbons-Maeda黑洞的统计力学熵, 物理学报, 58, 2, 740-743, 2009  
(5)贺锋,赵凡, Statistical-mechanical entropy of a black hole with a global
monopole to all orders in the planck length, Chinese Physics Letters, 26 , 4, 040401, 2009
(6)贺锋,周艳红,赵凡,王连成,Statistical entropy of  Reissner-Nordstrom black hole computed by generalized uncertainty principle, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48, 1841-1847, 2009
(7)贺锋,赵凡,Exact analytical solution to equations of perihelion advance in general relativity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48, 2198-2204, 2009
(8)贺锋,赵凡,刘一曼, statistical-mechanical entropy of Garfinkle- Horowitz- Strominger black hole, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48, 2262-2266, 2009
(9)贺锋,赵凡,用砖墙方法和薄层方法计算Gibbons-Maeda黑洞时空中标量场的统计力学熵, 物理学报, 59, 5, 2987-2990, 2010
(10)赵凡,贺锋 Statistical mechanical entropy of a (4+n)-dimensional static spherically symmetric black hole, Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 2, 020401, 2010
(11)贺锋,周宙安,赵凡,Statistical entropy of 5D ricci-flat space-time with generalized uncertainty principle, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49, 1805-1810, 2010
(12)赵凡,贺锋,汤剑峰,Correction to the Dirac field entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole by a modified dispersion relation, Physical Review D, 84, 104007, 2011 (SCI影响因子为4.558)
(13)黄海,贺锋,孙航宾,f(R)引力理论中水星进动方程求解, 湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版), 26, 4, 122-125, 2011
(14)曹飞,贺锋,Statistical entropy of Dirac field outside RN black hole and modified density equation, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 51, 536-543, 2012
(15)孙航宾,贺锋,黄海,Statistical entropy of the G-H-S black hole to all orders in Planck length, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 51, 554-557, 2012
(16)孙航宾,贺锋,黄海,Statistical entropy of Vaidya-de Sitter black hole to all orders in Planck length, International Journal of Theoretical Physics,第51, 1762-1768, 2012
(17)黄龙,贺锋等,The Gravitational Deflection of Light in F(R)-gravity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics已接受,2013, e-print arXiv:1303.3662[gr-qc]H

